by Jim Edwards | Jul 31, 2019 | Sermon
The decision to follow Christ must be weighed for its cost. Many people render that decision like a cafeteria line- a little of this and a little of that. Christ makes it clear that many may have intentions of following Him, but never really do follow Him. What does...
by Jim Edwards | Jul 28, 2019 | Sermon
Abraham’s two sons represent two paths- one, the path of works which do not deliver; the second, the path of grace and God’s miraculous hand of unbelievable provision. Abraham was required to give them both up one way or the other. One had to leave the...
by Jim Edwards | Jul 21, 2019 | Sermon
It is easy for all people, including Christians, to replace God and His provisions with something else and its provisions. What in your life are you doing that you could not do without God? What are you doing because you were called by God and equipped by God to do?...
by Jim Edwards | Jul 14, 2019 | Sermon
The Bible speaks of salvation, not as a mere choice of a person, or being born into it through family connections, but as an act of God. Why was Isaac born of his mother when she was far too old to conceive and bear a child? Because it took the miraculous hand of God...
by Jim Edwards | Jul 7, 2019 | Sermon
It is a primal goal of every person to experience real freedom. The world preaches one thing, but Jesus preaches that real freedom can only be found in Him. What does that mean? Listen to the profound truths of the scripture to discover that Jesus really is the only...