Online Giving

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father …”

James 1:17 NIV


• To acknowledge that all we have belongs to God (Psalm 24:1)
• As an act of worship (Proverbs 3:9)
• Out of loving and grateful obedience (Deuteronomy 16:17)
• Giving blesses the giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-8; Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:24-25).
• You cannot out give God (Malachi 3:10).

Ways to give

By Mail

Mail your donation to:

New Hope Baptist Church
782 New Hope Road
Boyd, TX 76023

Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes. Unless otherwise specified, your offering will be allocated to the General Fund.

Electronic Giving

For your convenience you may now give electronically.  These electronic gifts will be reflected on your giving statement.

Bill Pay – Set up a one-time or recurring payment through your bank’s online billing service at no cost to you or the church.

Through Our Website –  We have partnered with for safe and secure giving using any of the Give Now buttons on our website. You can do a one-time gift, anonymous gift, or set up recurring giving through this as well. A small percent (2.2 – 2.9%) is taken out of the donation to cover credit card transaction fees.

Sunday Services

This is the most traditional way to give. Just drop your gift in the offering plate during Sunday services. Please make your check payable to New Hope Baptist Church.

You may designate any portion of your gift to the General Fund (tithe), New Building, Benevolence, Food Pantry, Youth Fund, Love Offering. Unless specified, your offering will be allocated to the General Fund.

Where to give

General Fund – Tithe & Undesignated offerings.

Food Pantry – Benefits our Food Pantry ministry where we feed between 380 – 500 people on the third Tuesday of each month.

Benevolence – Benefits people in our community needing help in times of need such as after job loss, financial hardship, loss of home, etc.

Van Fund – Benefits the bus ministry with new purchases and maintenance. Our Bus ministry provides transportation to kids who would otherwise not be able to come to church.

Land Fund – This fund is to save up and aid the future purchase of land for the church expansion.

Love Offering – Benefits specific people or families the church has opted to support in a time of need. When giving to this fund, please put the name of the beneficiary in the memo.

Missions – New Hope supports three missions each year; Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and Mary Hill Davis. This fund goes towards supporting these missions ministries.

Youth Ministry – Benefits our youth ministry and their students.

Children’s Ministry – Benefits our children’s ministry, their supplies and events.

Worship Center Enhancement – A giving option to help fund the remodeling of our worship center and Porte-cochere.

Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoe Box- From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world. Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving. Year-round volunteers support these efforts across the country.   Click the link below to build a box online.


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