Aug 28 with Chad Foster

Aug 28 with Chad Foster

Honestly confronting sin is something that does not come naturally or comfortably. But, until we confront sin for what it is, we will never reach out to the Savior who saves us from our sin. Until we put our sins in the hands of God, there is little hope for strength...
Aug 18  “Family Values”  Gen. 25:24-28

Aug 18 “Family Values” Gen. 25:24-28

We learn from real experiences through the stories of the biblical characters. Isaac and Rebekah had 2 sons- twins- who could not have been more different from each other. What can we learn from this family which will become the forefathers of...
Aug 11  “Choices”   Proverbs 12:26

Aug 11 “Choices” Proverbs 12:26

Life’s choices make for a destiny of success or failure, for godliness or rejection of God. For Abraham, the choice of a godly mate for his son of promise was of extreme importance. Are you seeking God in all of your...
Aug 4  “The Importance of Legacy”  John 17:20-24

Aug 4 “The Importance of Legacy” John 17:20-24

When your time on earth is finished, what will you have left behind of lasting value? Abraham came to the end of his long and blessed life and wanted to leave his legacy in his son with a godly wife. Financial estates may be large or small, but they are all fleeting....


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