Nov. 4, 2020  “Are You OK?”   1 Thessalonians 3

Nov. 4, 2020 “Are You OK?” 1 Thessalonians 3

Are you doing OK? Paul was following up with new believers in a newly established church to discover the answer to that question. When bad or unexpected things happen in our lives, our faith can be shaken. This year of 2020 has sent many things our way to test our...
May 17 “Dancing With Difficulty” James 1:2-4

May 17 “Dancing With Difficulty” James 1:2-4

How do you react to crisis situations in your life? It is not a question of, “if crisis will come?”, but “When crisis comes”. The Bible gives us some answers concerning difficulties, concerning how to deal with difficulty and why difficulty...
Oct 23  “Suffering Well”  1 Peter 3: 13-17

Oct 23 “Suffering Well” 1 Peter 3: 13-17

Suffering is a part of life in this world. It is not whether you will suffer, but how you will suffer. As an early follower and disciple of Jesus, Peter saw the suffering of the Lord, and learned how to suffer well. What does the Bible say about suffering...
Sep 25  “Focusing on God’s Kingdom”  Acts 16

Sep 25 “Focusing on God’s Kingdom” Acts 16

Are you focusing on God’s Kingdom- His plan for your life, and how it unfolds as you follow His design for your life? It certainly destroys the plans of Satan when the believer’s life remains undistracted, and totally focused upon God’s amazing plan...


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