August 8, 2021   “Priorities”   Mark 12: 28-34

August 8, 2021 “Priorities” Mark 12: 28-34

What is your first priority in your life? Is it health, wealth, family, or personal development? The Bible says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God”, but what does that mean? The Sadducees and Pharisees were all about the Bible and their interpretations....
May 2, 2021  “Our Great God”  Psalm 36:5-10

May 2, 2021 “Our Great God” Psalm 36:5-10

As New Hope reflects on its 146 year history, all of the glory goes to our faithful, merciful, loving, great God. What does it take to experience the greatness of God. Most people fail to experience the reality of our great God. Listen to discover what the Bible says...
Nov. 4, 2020  “Are You OK?”   1 Thessalonians 3

Nov. 4, 2020 “Are You OK?” 1 Thessalonians 3

Are you doing OK? Paul was following up with new believers in a newly established church to discover the answer to that question. When bad or unexpected things happen in our lives, our faith can be shaken. This year of 2020 has sent many things our way to test our...


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