June 6, 2021  “In the Name of Jesus”  Acts 3:1-10

June 6, 2021 “In the Name of Jesus” Acts 3:1-10

Is there power in Jesus’ Name? If all authority has been given to Him, and He has given that authority to us, what does that mean? Peter and John encountered a beggar, and lacking money or anything physical, they gave him healing through Jesus’ authority...
“How Great Is Our God?  JESUS!”

“How Great Is Our God? JESUS!”

Matthew 9:1-8  records the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man.  That man was blessed enough to have 4 friends who not only took him to Jesus, but also had faith that Jesus could and would heal him.   Jesus always honors faith that brings us...
“All Authority and Power”

“All Authority and Power”

The Bible says that Jesus had ALL power and ALL authority.  That means that there is no area in existence where Jesus does not have power and authority.  Curiously, Jesus gives that power for His name’s sake and His kingdom, to those who believe in Him...
“Where Is Your Faith Taking You?”

“Where Is Your Faith Taking You?”

Your faith in whatever you believe in, is taking you somewhere.  Faith in Jesus Christ will take you to heaven on earth and heaven after earth.  Many are healed by the gracious hand of God, with or without faith.  But spiritual healing comes by having...


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