by Jim Edwards | Feb 11, 2021 | Sermon
Are we saved by grace or by works? What is the role of our good or bad works in our lives? Paul says that “God will render to each one according to his deeds”. How does this make sense if we are saved by grace? Listen to what the Bible says about grace and...
by Jim Edwards | Oct 18, 2020 | Sermon
Some would say that grace has nullified the law. But has it? What is the purpose of the law since the grace of God is greater than our breaking of the law? If we are not saved by our keeping the law, why does Jesus say, “If we love Him, we will keep His...
by Jim Edwards | Oct 11, 2020 | Sermon
It is hard to believe that in the face of expressed love and undeserved grace, that we would ever reject it or take it for granted. But the reality is that we are all guilty of stepping on the grace extended out way. Praise the Lord, God’s grace is greater than...
by Jim Edwards | Oct 4, 2020 | Sermon
Perhaps what is needed both in our lives and our culture is grace, the unmerited favor and kindness which is not deserved. Justice and revenge come naturally and easily to desire. Grace almost seems unfair, except when it comes to us personally. For reasons God only...
by Jim Edwards | Jan 31, 2019 | Sermon
Paul addresses the Colossian believers by saying “if you have been raised with Christ” What does it mean to be raised with Christ. If the blessings of Christ are reserved for only those who have been raised with Christ, it compels us, “Have I been...