July 29, 2020   “Family Values”  Ephesians 6: 1-10

July 29, 2020 “Family Values” Ephesians 6: 1-10

As the family goes, so goes the nation. The preservation of our beloved America is dependent upon American families. Family values are found throughout the scriptures, and so very clearly in Ephesians 6. Listen to what the Bible says about families- children, mothers,...
Aug 18  “Family Values”  Gen. 25:24-28

Aug 18 “Family Values” Gen. 25:24-28

We learn from real experiences through the stories of the biblical characters. Isaac and Rebekah had 2 sons- twins- who could not have been more different from each other. What can we learn from this family which will become the forefathers of...
Aug 4  “The Importance of Legacy”  John 17:20-24

Aug 4 “The Importance of Legacy” John 17:20-24

When your time on earth is finished, what will you have left behind of lasting value? Abraham came to the end of his long and blessed life and wanted to leave his legacy in his son with a godly wife. Financial estates may be large or small, but they are all fleeting....


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