The power of one is often underestimated, but Jesus highlights the importance of just one in the 3 stories offered in Luke 15: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.  You are just one, yet Jesus died for you personally.  Your life can have a tremendous impact in this world.  God has often chosen people when they were otherwise powerless, to demonstrate His power through just one.  David was just one, a young teenager, when he alone with God, fought Goliath.  Moses was just one, an elderly shepherd, when he alone with God delivered Israel from its slavery to Egypt.   What if you brought just one to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.  That would be a start- a start many Christians have never made.  Why not consider someONE to begin to pray for and ask God to give you the opportunity to help win ONE person to the Lord.  That will change your world!


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